All roads lead back to the only people who can stop the problem they created. This report was assisted by: Nick Devor at Barron's - @PeopleMakeGames @HOUNGOUNGAGNE69 Support: ►
Credits: 3D Artist: Ed Leszczynski @LeszczynskiEd Video Editor: Harry Bagg @HarryRBagg End Credits Composer - "Poison Piano": Palmers Medic @palmers_medic Camera Motion Tracking: Mo-Sys Startracker Virtual Production Platform: Aximmetry
This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. Scams, bad business opportunities, and fake gurus are subjective terms that mean different things to different people. I think someone who promises $100K/month for an upfront fee of $2K is a scam. Others would call it the "opportunity of a lifetime."
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